Swiss Post has called off the launch of its “personalised” newspaper project, after a disappointing response from customers. The “MyNewspaper” product has been market-tested since December 2011, allowing subscribers to choose different sections from different national and international newspapers, to be assembled and printed for delivery as a single newspaper.
Swiss Post had been working with 11 national and international publishers on the project, with personalised newspapers digitally printed overnight at the Härkingen Letter Centre and delivered to major urban centres in Switzerland the day after an order is placed.
MyNewspaper was one way to combine the physical with the digital communications channel in a hybrid mail product – sending information digitally to be turned into a physical mail delivery.
The personalised newspaper was also available in digital form anywhere in the world.
Today the Swiss national postal service said the number of subscriptions for the trial had not been as high as expected.
“Because demand failed to reach the levels defined for the market test, Swiss Post has decided not to proceed with the final launch of ‘MyNewspaper’,” the company confirmed.
Swiss Post said it will continue to analyse findings from the project, before deciding on how to proceed in future. Current subscribers will continue to receive their personalised newspapers until the end of December.